Timelapse-Video houseboat building

Mietponton Welle

Perebo presents:
houseboat building timelapse video

Would you like to buy a mobile houseboat at a cheap price, but you are not sure whether you want to buy a completely finished houseboat or only components for DIY houseboat? Then PEREBO is the right place for you. With us you can buy either only the modular pontoon floats for building the pontoon hulls as well as a pontoon platform (with or without house framework) or a brand new houseboat. To help you decide which components to buy, you can watch the time-lapse-video below, which explains the basic structure of our PH-20 series motorized houseboats.

Construction houseboat PH20-1 (timelapse, pics and accessory)

Now you can choose between the following 3 options:

1. Buy modular floats for building pontoon hulls

Here you have the option to buy only the individual pontoon floats in order to build pontoon tubes to support your houseboat. You only have to know relatively precisely before ordering these pontoons, how heavy your houseboat will be in total. For this purpose, it is recommended to make a rough dead load calculation of all houseboat building materials as well as the furnishings inside the house and furthermore to add all other loads from e.g. passengers, water and fuel tanks, etc.

Here can be found our: modular plastic pontoons

2. Configure your houseboat platform

If you need a houseboat pontoon consisting of pontoon hulls, support frame and various other accessory, you can use our configurator. However, here too you need to know relatively precisely what the dead weight of your house together with all the other attachments together with passengers will be. Only then can you specify the required payload in your configuration.

Here can be found our: configurator houseboat platform

3. Purchase completely finished houseboat

Of course, you can also buy a pre-fabricated houseboat from us, as shown in the video. All important information about sizes and accessory are listed on our website.

Here can be found our: mobile houseboats

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